Friday, February 6, 2009

$500,000 for NF Research?

A CTF marathoner has reached the top 10 in the Lenox Extra-Mile Hero contest! The winner gets $1 million to split with the charity of their choice, his choice being CTF! The Children's Tumor Foundation is the charity I have been running for to raise funds for NF research. Neurofibromatosis is more common than Huntington's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Muscular Dystrophy combined! It is a great organization, so please visit the link below and vote for Pete Dingeman, then pass the word on! Let's show everyone how strong our numbers are! Only one vote per email please!



. said...

Thanks for spreading the word Olivia!

Anonymous said...

what do they do with all that money ? hmmm

Olivia Hernandez said...

They help fund scientists trying to research for a cure, give scholarships to college students who are focusing on NF, fund clinical trials for potential drugs, lobby to congress for more federal aid for research, provide the NF forum and NF Endurance Team to educate patients, family and the general public.

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