Saturday, May 9, 2009

Disattachment Parenting

As a child I was forced to eat the vegetables on my plate, and I don't suffer from allergies or anorexia. I was spanked when I didn't behave, and I am not violent or damaged. My parents would fight and make up in front of me, and I have a perfectly healthy marriage. My mom didn't carry me around all the time and I am completely secure. I was teased, I was made to do chores, and I knew if I ran my mouth I would get smacked. There are way too many bratty whiny crayola named kids running around in Crocs covered head to toe in sun block on a cold winter day with hawkish Moms begging them to please behave. I actually don't blame these Moms, I blame the media for attempting to instill fear in us at every turn. (Know anyone with Swine Flu?) When I turned to the internet to find a remedy for Mica's thumb-sucking I read that if I force her to stop she may suffer from self-esteem issues and to gently discuss with her the ramifications of thumb sucking instead. She is 2. I'm going to put duct tape on her thumb and flick her hand everytime it goes near her mouth. If she calls me stupid (again) I'm going to whack her on the butt. If JT doesn't finish his dinner, and is hungry an hour later, he is going to be hungry. Don't fear for my children, I am pretty sure they will survive.


Heather said...


Anonymous said...

try something positive for your child like to help her stop thumb sucking. it is a great teaching tool and your child will love it...

Claralara said...

I love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

GASP!! Lol...luv ya

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